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31.75 dB Range / 0.25dB Step DSA

0.05 to 6.0 GHz



Mouser Electronics
1000 North Main Street
Mansfield, TX 76063
Phone: (800) 346-6873

GRF Products

Buy GRF6402

188 Martinvale Lane
San Jose, CA 95119
Phone: (877) 367-7369

GRF Products

Buy GRF6402

Richardson RFPD
2001 Butterfield Road
Suite 1800
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Phone: (603) 262-6800

GRF Products

Data Sheet

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31.75 dB Range / 0.25dB Step DSA

0.05 to 6.0 GHz

The GRF6402 is a SPI-controlled, bi-directional, 31.75 dB range digital step attenuator which provides precise stepping in 0.25 dB increments. The device’s serial interface utilizes three externally-defined address bits, allowing up to 8 unique devices to share a common SPI bus. In addition to supporting traditional serial programming, the GRF6402 also includes a special Rapid Fire selection pin which allows the device to be immediately switched into a pre-defined attenuation state.

In terms of performance, the GRF6402 can cover the entire 50 MHz to 6 GHz range while still maintaining precise and monotonic gain stepping. Glitching has been minimized to < 2 dB for all steps. The device delivers up to 30.5 dBm of IP0.1dB, 55 dBm of IIP3 and a low IL of less than 1.4 dB at 2 GHz.